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This PlugIn was made to simplify the process of patching lots
of (executable) files. Currently only the SAS-Tools "scompare"
and "spatch" are supported. But this may change in future.

Creating Patches
 *Create a root-drawer, e.g. "update"
 *Enter the root-drawer and create two drawers "new" and "old"
 *Copy all  of your "old" files (the ones to be updated) into "old",
  put the "new" files into "new"
 *Press the "Generate"-button

 Notes: 1) DON'T move your files into the "new" or "old" drawer because
           identical files are DELETED automatically
        2) Currently the check for identical files is simply done by
           comparing the file-size
        3) As result you get a new drawer "patches" containing all
           the patches

Applying Patches
 *Create a root-drawer, e.g. "update"
 *move the "patches" drawer into this drawer
 *Enter the root-drawer and create a drawer "old"
 *Copy the "old" files into the "old" drawer
 *Press the "Apply"-button

 Notes: 1) It doesn't matter if you copy all "old" files into the
           drawer or only the ones to patch
        2) As result you get a new drawer "new" containing all
           "new" files

 1) For applying patches (which is the general purpose) the
    freely distributable programm "spatch" is required.
 2) For generating patches the Programm "scompare" is required.
    But this program isn't freely distributable.
 3) Currently this PlugIn doesn't support directory-trees, but
    I think this isn't necessary.